I'm on a firmware from 1.04 Mon 19 May 2014.
I'm located in the CEE region (Hungary).
I have wired and wireless connection to the router. (3 wired connections and 4 wireless - but they are never connected at once)
I've performed a factory reset when I've first encountered the problem.
Indeed, I always did a factory reset, before and after a firmware upgrade (I've read it in one of your posts about firmware upgrading/downgrading), and set up everything from scratch.
This problem is present till the first second, with the first firmware, than with two others. (One from my region one from NA.)
ISP is cable.
Manufacturer is named Webstar (by Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.) (probably chinese) and model is EPC2203 (there is a model number also, which is 145139099 - but I think the previous is the right one).
I've tried to use static WAN IP addressing, but after I switched it on the router, the Internet was gone. When I changed it back to DHCP everything was fine - so I think it is DHCP. But to counter this I noticed a very interesting thing. In the last few days, since I wrote my original message, when the rooter booted up and had connection to the Internet I've always checked the WAN IP address and it was the same all the time... do not understand why, and foremost: if it is the same why could not have a router it always...
My downloadspeed is 30 MB/sec, upload is 3 MB/sec (according to a speedtest).
MTU is 1500 (it is 1472, but addig 28 more it is 1500 - from 1474 the packet is always fragmented.).
I'll check TV splitters on the line, but I doubt there is any, because if I'm right there is a separate cable for the Internet - although I'm not sure, will check it tomorrow.
I'm almost 100% sure the coaxial cable is RG-6. (As far as I see at the input side of the modem.) Will check later on the other side.
Any thoughts how could it be if the connection is working with DHCP setting only, then the router receives always the same IP since 8 days?
Thanks in advance,