Got it working. Here is a quick guide to what I did:
-First I donwgraded to 1.03, 1.05 (and .04) does'nt work well with Fonz fun_plug 0.7 for me.
-Installed the 2.03 squeeze_center package from D-link
-Made sure the service was stopped, and then using ssh/terminal removed the folder /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/logitechmediaserver-7.7.2
-Made a backup of the folder../Nas_Prog/squeeze_center
Edited all the files in the Nas_Prog/squeeze_center folder, changing logitechmediaserver-7.7.2 into 7.8.0 (i didnt edit the apkg-files, check_sc-files, sc_*-files or any of the folders)
-Changed the install path in path=/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/squeeze_center
-Changed the install path in path_des=/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog
-In, remove the line: cp -R $path_src $path_des
-In, remove the line: mv $path/$NAME-* $path/$NAME
-From logitechmediaserver-7.8.0.tgz, extract the files and basic.html. (there is several files named basic.html, make sure you get the correct one from the ...\HTML\EN\settings\server-folder!!)
-replace the old files in the ../Nas_Prog/squeeze_center-folder with the new ones you just extracted.
-Make sure that the permisisons and owner of all the files and folders you changed are the same as before
-Make sure that you have the file logitechmediaserver-7.8.0.tgz in /mnt/HD/HD_a2/ (root of volume_1)
-Run and
-Start the server!