I wasted a few hours testing the european rev.A 1.08b07 firmware, here is the changelog :
Problems Resolved:
1. Fix GMX mail can’t use SSL/TLS issue
2. Support BCM patch for the CE adaptivity issue
3. Fix wan DHCP renew issue by accept packets with broadcast and udp port 68
1. Enable CTF pppoe acceleration.
Note: 1. Update channel list to "D-Link Wi-FI frequency table_20140409"
- Finally, after about 1 year, they enabled ctf pppoe acceleration, now i have 930 mbps with official fw.
- The time is buggy, giving me wrong values, and after setting it up manually it will not survive a reboot.
- ipv6 still not working, exactly the same issues as before. I get ipv6 on the router, but nothing in my lan gets an ipv6 address. Only the ULA trick gives me sometimes results, but after a reboot all is gone. On an ipv6 only speed test i could not get past 150-200 mbps, probably the ctf pppoe accel. is enaled only for ipv4 (why, ffs...)
- Another thing that a noticed is that it connects faster now, i have a wan ipv4 address faster after a reconnect.