Perhaps I am expecting too much from my router but to my thinking, this should be possible.
I have an Xbox 360 wired to my router, lets call it IP address I also have a WII connecting to my network via Wireless connection, call it IP I want to leave IP 175 as is (for Netflix purposes) but I would like to have the Xbox access the Internet via a VPN service. My understanding is that I should be able to assign IP 150 to either route or port forward (forgive my ignorance if these are incorrect) to a IP Blocking service such as Un-Block-Us or similar service. Is this possible or am I making this hole procedure harder than it need be.
I am thinking by doing this through the router I can centralize the settings and leave the individual machines alone. Also if I can do this, should the need arise in the future, I can isolate another machine on my network (ie. My son's computer which I want to control internet access...time, websites visited, etc)
Any comments? Thanks.