Lesson learned - be wary of firmware upgrades. I have a 5020L, which had been working very well under a 2014 firmware release, 1.03?. Recently upgraded wirelessly to 1.06. Worked well until power went out. 5020L never came back online (wireless setup, working fine before power outage). When debugging, connected 5020L wired thru ethernet, all worked well. Unplugged wired ethernet, wireless connection worked fine. Unplugged 5020L to place in another room. Encountered Video stream lost popup when checking live stream via iPad 4 and iPhone 6 apps. Here's where it get's interesting. I turned wireless off on iPad 4 and iPhone 6 and used Verizon wireless data connection. Both devices were ale to show live video streams on 5020L. Switched the iPad 4 back to LTE and received Video Stream Lost Error popup. LESSON: I don't have time to help debug these firmware releases, so will stay with what works and monitor the forums for issues on latest firmware much like I monitor latest IOS or OSX releases.