---"it works when he applies a static IP, instead of DHCP, but which router was this applied to?"
The static WAN IP address and WAN gateway address are entered into the "Static" setting in the 850L.
The Netgear modem passes (DMZ) the ISP assigned WAN IP address (Dynamic address) to the 850L. (The Netgear modem/router has a DMZ feature which points to the 850L LAN address When the 850L security update was applied, the 850L lost it's connection to the internet. The only way I could get internet to the 850L was to change the "Dynamic IP (DHCP)" setting to "Static". The 'static' address I used was the public WAN address and Gateway address given to the Netgear modem from the ISP. Once I plugged in those two public addresses in the "Static" setting of the 850L the internet connection was restored to the 850L and all the devices it serves.
The Netgear modem/router has both public and private DHCP Servers which are DISABLED and its wiresess radio is turned off. All our LAN connections are through the 850L. Prior to the 850L security update the 850L received the internet connection with the "Dynamic IP (DHCP)" setting and the internet connection was just there all the time:
1- NetgearWAN >>> DMZ >>> 850L "Dynamic IP (DHCP)" setting >>> Working system
2- NetgearWAN >>> DMZ >>> 850L [security update] "Dynamic IP (DHCP)" setting >>> No internet to LAN
3- NetgearWAN >>> DMZ >>> 850L [security update] "Static" setting with WAN address plugged in >>> Working system
Although the 3rd system currently works, it will fail when my ISP changes that dynamic WAN address.
---"On the Netgear, check for DHCP reservation list and create one for the 850L."
The Netgear has both a Private and Public DHCP server. I have both of them and the wireless radio disabled. The Netgear passes the internet to the 850L via DMZ. I thought I was doing the right thing by only having the 850L serve. All connections from our LAN are made through the 850L. The Netgear only serves to get the internet (via DMZ) into the 850L. Prior to the 850L security update all was working 100%