Well, interestingly enough,the exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I was upstairs with my sons and we were all online and all of a sudden, all of our links went down. We proceeded with the standard: power cycle the router, then power cycle BOTH the modem and router/etc.
We have ComCast and are in New Hampshire. If we plug any computer directly into the modem it works.
The router appears to be working. It is able to get an IP address and the gateway, and primary/secondary dns servers, however, there is no IP connectivity. I am able to ping the external interface of the router, but I cannot ping the gateway machine (which is Comcast).
Interesting to note: When I plug in the laptop directly to the modem, I actually get a DIFFERENT gateway than the router does. I don't think this should be happening. About 2.5 hours on the line with Comcast, after 4 hangups (they never called back when they said they would/etc), I finally got someone to work through it, but, the bottom line for them is that Comcast (like Lennard's ISP) said that since a computer plugged into the modem works, it's not their problem.
Other things I tried: Power Cycling Router, Reset to factory default (same results exactly), Reloaded configuration from saved file (same results exactly).
Nothing appeared to work with this router. Always we can ping the external interface of the router but not the gateway IP.
I just happen to have a NetGear N600 on hand. That plugged in and worked. It's a bit strange setting up this router so it's not fully configured, but internet connectivity has been restored.
So, it's either:
1) The 855 is dead for some reason
2) Some type of protocol instability occurred due to a firmware push on Comcast's part.
Not sure else to think.
Oh, I believe I'm at V1.23 FW - never did a fw upgrade. I might try this if I can find and download the new firmware.
Cat6 cable is used - a NEW cable.
MTU = 1500
Again - this was from a WORKING SYSTEM that had been up and working for at least 3 years (yes, with the occasional router reboot).