My dsl826 is connected to a local cable internet service via a motorola SB5100 cable modem. In far north Wisconsin, internet connections are periodically interrupted. When this occurs the router drops and does not automatically re-acquire the connection, it must be powered down then re-powered, but does not require reset (i.e. Just unplugging from power and plugging back in works . Don't even need to press the power button). Since I access my network remotely when travelling and my furnace thermostat is on the home network, when this happens I need to call someone to access the property and repower the router. This also happens when I'am at the proerrty. The loss of internet connection appears to be somewhat related to weather conditions which may cause power outages affecting the internet signal. I am on a standby generator but not a UPS. Last night this happened again, T-storms were in the area but we did not lose local power. Anybody have a solution?