Apologies for expressing my frustrations in my last post. It is difficult for me to remain patient given my circumstances. I have owned this camera for almost a year now and repeatedly have issues with it's base features (not enhanced or add-on features added after point of sale). Unfortunately I use it as an enhancement to my base security system which is inaccessible to me over the internet. Given also that this is a second home type property, I find that being about 1300 miles away from the camera for most of the time makes it difficult to resolve issues with the conventional customer service approach and have gotten nowhere with them. This is because they generally tell me to do things that I have already tried when I actually am in the presence of the camera and inevitably they tell me they can't help me unless I am in the presence of the camera.
I am a computer & software engineer (for over 30 years now) and I think I can generally tell the difference between "setup/configuration issues" (which is the kind of support DLINK tries to give me through customer services avenues) and "shortcomings in the design" (which requires higher levels of technical expertise into the product). Those shortcomings are likely present in the product because (although of course I cannot be 100% sure by any means) I suspect DLINK did not consider various "use-case" scenarios during development or did not thoroughly test & validate what are generally called "corner cases" to flush out bugs before entering into product production.
I understand that the more complex a product becomes the more difficult (and expensive) it is to test & validate. Therefore, companies more focused on the "short term" are more likely to take shortcuts to get a product to market and then dump the consequences on engineers like yourself "after the fact". "Design for testability" and "Automated testing" are good strategies for ensuring quality and reliability, while reducing development (and testing) costs.
Hopefully I have misjudged DLINK but it seems to me, reliability and quality are low priorities, at least for their "home use" products. I cannot speak for their business products but suspect there is more focus on reliability there since the liability consequences are higher.
In any event, if you can make this camera more robust and reliable to the feature set you currently advertise it to do, then I have little doubt I would remain a dissatisfied customer!! :-)