* [ShareCenter Model] DNS-325 firmware 1.05b05 - DLINK_DNS325.1.05b05(1.24.0519.2015).fw
* [Add-on Name] BitTorrent Sync 2.3.8 (460) - DNS-325 BitTorrentSync Package v1.12_07202016_COM
* [Add-on Version] 2.3.8
* [Detailed Description of your Issue] Add-on prevent harddisk power save
I installed this version of sync (exactly the version is 2.3.8(560)), but now my NAS (a DNS-325 fw 1.5b5) don't put harddisks in sleep mode.
I also changed the power user configurations as suggested, but nothing changed....
For avoid external influences I also unplugged the ethernet cable for isolate the NAS. Nothing changed.
Only stopping the Add-on permit hardisks to spin-down (power save mode or sleep)
Configuration changed from defaults are:
folder_rescan_interval = 18000
send_statistics = false
config_refresh_interval = 18000
config_save_interval = 18000
enable_journaling = false
Please give me a solution.....