Firmware 2.14
Trying to enable/ disable the motion detection feature by a curl command like:
curl -u userid:password http://IPaddress/setSystemMotion –referer http://IPaddress/motion.htm -d « ReplySuccessPage=motion.htm&ReplyErrorPage=motion.htm&MotionDetectionEnable=1&MotionDetectionScheduleDay=0&MotionDetectionScheduleMode=0&MotionDetectionSensitivity=30&ConfigSystemMotion=Save » > /dev/null 2>&1
but keeping getting error
<html><body><h1>The request is forbidden.</h1></body></html>
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: xn--referer-t16c
<html><body><h1>The request is forbidden.</h1></body></html>
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ReplySuccessPage=motion.htm
The end use is to append this to a virtual switch in Domoticz that allows me to turn this function on/ off remotely via its own control panel.
Any help would be appreciated.