308AV = D-Link DHP-308AV PowerLine HomePlug AV500 Mini Adapter
310AV = D-Link DHP-W310AV PowerLine AV500 Wireless N Mini Extender
Router is netgear. I am located in Sweden.
Internet in my main (and only) Router is working, connecting the 308AV in one of the LAN-ports and it is connected to electrical socket.
The 310 AV is coneected to another electrical socket (tried different ones).
1) Connecting my computer with a network cable in the 310AV and my Internet is working perfect.
2) Connecting my computer on the Wireless Extender Network (310AV) and my Internet is working perfect.
And then my manual says that I should go to http://dlinkap to configure my device, I never get pass the first screen "Welcome to the setup Wizard".
Revision is A1 and fw version is 1.03.