There is an image it is very faint. In the attached image, the outline of an object can be made out at the left side. And I can confirm that I hear the IR mode click over with both red IR LEDs illuminated.
At this point, I've gone through all the settings in the Web UI to see if there was something that I could do. But at this point, I might have to take your advice and give it a good slap.
I was hoping that someone with the same camera could verify what their performance is like in a dark room.
There aren't many posts in the 936L

So what are we looking at?
How far away is that item in the image? A few feet? 20 feet? You should get about 15 feet with the IR's with no other light source. An Amazon reviewer claimed 10 to 12 ft.
Everything is fine during the day? Is this a room? Outside? If you turn on a light - everything is in day mode and looking fine?
It really does look like the IR cut filter isn't working properly, and you are stuck in day mode all the time.
There is an nightvision image at the review on Amazon.
Take a flashlight and shine into the area - and see if it is in color like day mode or in night mode. I'm not sure if you would hear a click without it changing modes. I guess anything is possible and it's still failing to switch over.