Hi into the forums.
I got the DAP 1665 to use it as a repeater for a 5 Ghz wifi.
DAP1665 A1, 1.14
Aside that I HAVE to use Internet explorer for setting up b/c it gets me in 8 of 10 trys with firefox, opera or chrome a "ERROR: The password is error." message, I have a more important problem:
To set it up as a repeater, I have to use the passwort (pre shared key) for the repeated network.
Of course!
But I can't change this password for my new "copy" Wifis which I renamed differently.
If I try to, I can't even log into the DAP browser interface via wifi anymore (not even with i-explorer) but will have "no internet" connection for sure
I am missing the "extendeded wifi" setting point in the setup menue, like p.ex. the DAP 505 offers (Step
Is that a firmware problem?
Or is it the same in 1.13?
If not, i would try to downgrade.
Or is a newer firmware available, already?
edit: found the
New 1.14WW Firmware Available
Will ask there too!
Thanks a lot for your help