I know. A lot of topics here have this header. I've looked through most of them. I think I've tried them all. I'll edit and list the links of what I've tried here but let me post my situation first:
I can't set up My DNS-320L. It used to work fine. One day it just disappeared from the network. Probably after some update.
So I tried factory resetting and a variety of methods that didn't work.
It goes like so.
1. The 320L is connected directly to the router.
2. Other devices are connected by wifi.
3. I run the setup wizard
4. It completes.
5. I can't find it on the network.
Here are the details of my setup.
320L H/W version: A3 F/W Ver 1.02
ISP: TMNet , Malaysia
OS: Win10 64-bit, KB315053 latest update on 22 April 2017.
Router: TP-Link WR841N
Firmware Version: 3.12.9 Build 120221 Rel.31475n
Hardware Version: WR841N v6/v7 00000000
DHCP Range: - 199
subnet mask: (using the Setup Wizard/Storage Utility)
Setup Wizard version: v1.2.0.9Win
Storage Utility version: v5.2.1.7
Apart from windows firewall, I don't have any other 3rd party security programs.
The lights are working. The device has been working in the past and just stopped one day, presumably after an update.
Here are the things I noticed:
1. If I set my NAS with DHCP, it's IP ends up being or something like that. I can't access the WebGUI.
2. If I set my NAS with Static IP and a reserved address, DNS etc e.g., I still can't access the WebGUI.
3. So I can't update the NAS firmware without being able to access the GUI.
4. Using the Storage Utility has the same results.
5. Using older versions of both the Storage Utility and Setup Wizard is no different.
I've tried these which didn't work (everytime i try something new i do a factory reset, use either the utility or wizard, restart the router, NAS and my PC, in that order):
1. Running the setup wizard on another PC on the network with Win7. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=56536.0
2. Turning all Network and Sharing Centre settings to OFF, Uninstalling the adapters, then reinstalling them, and turning the settings ON again. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/17c9ea7d-52df-4ef9-95fa-0a961d11bfa3/fix-for-cannot-access-nas-drives-sharefolder-is-not-accessible-or-error-code-0x80070035?forum=w8it****etworking
3. Disabling the firewall (and checking my subnet mask) http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=50241.0
4. Tried adding the registry key to AllowInsecureGuestAuth.
I've read these:
1. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=60173.0
2. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=63078.0 (
3. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=58225.0 (it wasn't a windows 8.1 problem but nonetheless)
4. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=61497.0 (my subnet mask is definitely and gateway
5. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=41042.0
It's been weeks. I am at my wits end.
Google yields nothing more. Please help....