Hi, I recently bought a DIR 878, and was able to set it up without any problem.
Recently, my guest network would NOT connect to the internet. I am able to connect my mobile phone to the router, but it says there is no internet. When I check the settings on my device, in advanced options, it says the IP address is
I do not know where that ip address is coming from.
My modem is set to, DHCP start.
My router 878 is connected via cable to the modem via the LAN PORT (DHCP is DISABLED)
mY 878 router ip address is
I am able to connect with any device to the non guest network, and the internet works.
but the guest network does NOT have internet at all.
This only happened a month after i bought the router, and there was no problem
I have done a hard reset etc etc...power cycled the modem, and the router. no luck.
I have another router connected to the same network, with a different router ip address ( and the guest network works just fine.
The guest networks have different SSIDs.
Anybody have any thoughts or possible solutions?
Thank you.