Sometimes the video transmission stops, even though the camera is on and can still be managed through the web interface. In such situations, only a restart helps. Since I have the camera in Apple HomeKit integrated via Homebridge, I do the restart using Siri with the following command as a switch:
curl http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CAM-IP-ADDRESS/vb.htm?setallreboot=1
The Homebridge instructions can be found here:
"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
"name": "CMD",
"switches": [
"name": "Reboot_DCS-2330L",
"on_cmd": "curl http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CAM-IP-ADDRESS/vb.htm?setallreboot=1",
"off_cmd": "exit 1",
"state_cmd": "exit 1",
"polling": true,
"intervall": 1
Type DCS-2330L
Firmware Version 1.14.03
Hardware Version A
I have used Fiddler to find the right URL.