Motion capture on two of my cams, 5009L and 932LB, will register light but won't catch people or dogs. In the wee hours of the morning (e.g. 3AM) my wife will sometimes let my dog out. I have the 932L trained on the stairs/front door where the light switch for the hall light is (by door). The cam sends motion capture images to my email in 6 or so frames over a few seconds and I will flip through these and see the light turn on and off again later but I don't see it catching my wife or my dog at all. They have to pass through the hall and by the 5009L looking at the patio door from the family room at the other end of the lighted hall. Again this camera only sees the light turn on and off but no trace of the human or canine passing through.
I figure something's wrong with the camera because my wife/dog can't be paranormal entities... I think.