I try to access API with simple REST API client.
I followed several topics on this forum with CURL examples, but it seems it worked with previous firmware (i can't verify it because i just start coding a script with the 1.15.12 firmware).
My goal is to update from a script the scheduled day/night mode.
I managed to update only when i POST parameters like SessionToken and Authorization header with a complete string like "nonce", "conce", ... extracted from the request send from the html interface.
But it's not possible to generate this session token and this header just from user and password ? Or is there a route to get it ?
My actual test that fails is the following (i haven't the exact variables names right now, but this is the idea), so there is no complete authorization string header and no sessionToken post parameter :
POST : http://{ip}:{port}/setDayNightMode
headers : Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic {base64 user:password}
Referer: http://{ip}:{port}
post datas : datas for night/day mode parameter
--> result : Error authorization required
If i try on a GET route, with the same headers, it works.
Does anybody has this working on last firmware ?
Thank you.