There is a similar post pinned at the top of this forum, but we were unsuccessful trying that approach. However, we did receive the following response from D-Link tech support which worked!!! Here it is.
Based from what I have read you would like to forward a specific port through your WAN IP, for example 8081 or 2525 to a local IP with a local port of 80. Please create a custom service for the specific port (8081 or 2525) please don't indicate anything in the source port. For example create a custom service, set it as multiple port, (there are only two lines in this specific rule start, not 4 lines that is suggested in the pinned topic above), set it to either TCP, UDP or both, type in the desired port in the destination port (8081) if you would like multiple ports you can separate the ports using a comma (,) for example (8081,2525) and you can leave the source port as empty. After creating the said custom service, you can then create the firewall rule, as indicated in your E-mail your firewall rule is correct, you just need to enable port forwarding and type in 80 in the said space. This will act as a local port for the local IP but the remote port is 8081, so you would be able to access the IP using WAN IP:8081 and it will be forwarded to the local IP using the local port of 80.
Moderators: PLEASE change this in pinned topic above:
3. Leave Source Start Port and Source Finish Port BLANK. (Using this it would not allow us to save the new service)
4. Enter the port number(s) or port ranges into the Destination Start Port and Destination Finish Port fields
3. Select Multiple Ports. LEAVE SOURCE PORTS BLANK.
4. Enter the source WAN port numbers separated by a comma if using multiple ports into the DESTINATION PORTS.