So I saw the security update notification and app notification and proceeded to let the camera update via the mdl app. Camera is in line of site of wifi router. I left it and after about 5 minutes, I walked over and saw a RED led in the back of the camera. Great. After all these years I finally get a bad FW load and thought, camera maybe bricked. So I unplugged the power and back in. Unit seem to come to ready and the LED in back turned GREEN. I attempted to log in to it's web page as I wanted to check status. Static IP address was not accessible and browser timed out. The app also reported the camera wasn't connected. I had to leave so I cam back to this later on. Today, I opened that app and the camera was online an is accessible. However I still can't access it's web page. I tried FING app and it's not listed there. I looked in the routers web page and its not listed there either. Thought the app is working and the camera is streaming. Opening the app fully and into the settings for the camera, I see the camera reports v1.09 being loaded.
I'll try a factory reset and setup the camera from scratch and see if this regains me web page access.
If I select remove camera from the app, would this trigger a factory reset on the camera?