I don't mean to hijack this post but this is the only one I could find that discusses the DIR-853.
Firstly, there appears to be no manuals available for this model, at all. When I look here, there is nothing available:
Why is this so?
Secondly, I'm trying to setup the Quick VPN feature on this device. I can get the basic setup working as per the "General" section of "Quick VPN" but I want to have multiple user accounts connecting via VPN. I click on "User" and add more users by adding a username, password, and enabling VPN, however none of these users can connect (message received is "The remote connection was denied becuase the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authenication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server". The only user account that can connect is the account as shown in the "General" section.
Does anyone know what can be done to fix this?