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Author Topic: A little disappointed?  (Read 14015 times)


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2021, 07:10:48 PM »

Installed new firmware and did factory reset and reconfigure.  All seems good (still no iPv6).  Reset the E15 and configured using WPS.  There was one thing though, when changing WI-FI to WPA2/WPA3, the setting for the WPS button disappears from the menu and pressing the button didn't seem to activate the process and extender wouldn't connect for setup.  Changed back to WPA2 only and the button option appeared back in the menu, pressing the button for 3 seconds on the router made the light blink like they should and extender was able to complete the setup.  After extender was done setting up, I changed back to WPA2/WPA3 and all seems good.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2021, 06:47:46 AM »

WPS does not support WPA3 yet. So if WPA3 is enabled it will disable WPS.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2021, 10:54:51 AM »

WPS does not support WPA3 yet. So if WPA3 is enabled it will disable WPS.

Yep, found that out after some searching.  What's weird though it worked with the older firmware with WPA2/WPA3 selected.  No big deal simple enough to do.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2021, 09:14:02 AM »

Prob a bug in the earlier one :)  I believe they are changing the text/options in an upcoming firmware so it is more clear.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2021, 08:58:17 PM »

OK so with the beta firmware, after one week...

1. DHCP server now acts correctly (is turned off permanently rather than until next reboot), yay!
2. Absolutely no problems changing Wi-Fi settings. The issues I raised with the 1.3.04 firmware where changing the settings often resulted in unusable Wi-Fi until you changed them again (even a minor change unrelated to the first) did not recur.
3. Did not get a chance to test again with Smart Connect on - I'd like to do that, just... it's Christmas week, it's been busy!
4. Reduced, but not eliminated, issues with "silent disconnects" where the Wi-Fi connection appears to be up but nothing is routed until you disconnect and reconnect. But they are still happening occasionally (once on my laptop this week)
5. That issue I mentioned with apps on my Chromebook having difficulty is still there. If I knew what I was doing I'd do a packet trace but... the issue is definitely on the W-Fi end, if I use the old AP (but with everything still routed through the R15) the apps work fine.
6. Tested another R15 acting as an extender; For the most part worked, but it has mysteriously rebooted three times this week for no apparent reason. Also - and this might not be the case under Smart Connect - the Wi-Fi side wasn't very reliable, I ended up giving it different SSIDs so I wouldn't connect by accident. Some times would lose 90% of my packets despite an apparently good enough signal.

This is a big improvement but it's not quite ready for me to recommend... yet. I'd say the router side of the R15 is done and fine, I don't have any issues there (and love the feature set, Classic D-Link quality, I'm very happy with that side.) The issues are all on the AP side. Hopefully they'll be fixed soon. If I do test the Smart Connect again I'll post an update.

And Merry Christmas!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2021, 09:05:30 PM by peharri »


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2021, 03:10:02 PM »

OK I had some time this evening so switched everything - extender, main R15, to Smart Connect.

The good news is the things that had problems connecting are now connecting. I tested the Android phone and old Dell laptop from my previous list, and both connected immediately without any issues. So whatever was a problem with Smart Connect (I genuinely thought it was just using too new a protocol or something!) is now fixed in the beta firmware.

I'll continue to test this week and let you know.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2021, 06:52:43 AM »

Thank you for the update. I will pass it along to the router group. Hope you had a great Christmas.


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2022, 08:04:03 AM »

Testing environment: Two R15s, one as an extender. Both upgraded to 1.04.01BETA Most Wireless left at defaults. Tried these configurations:

Primary Extender TimeNotes
Non-SCNon-SC1 weekWorked OK
Non-SCSC1-2 hoursSeemed to work OK
SCMesh1 weekVery solid but see below

OK final update on Beta firmware:

Most of the issues seem to be resolved as reported above. I still get the glitches in the game I mentioned which do not happen over the previous Wi-Fi but it's one of those harder "How do I give you useful information" bugs. In Smart Connect I didn't see any issues with Wi-Fi not routing etc, but it did occur when not in Smart Connect mode. I'm unsure if this is an issue with the R15 or my laptop.

Otherwise the Wi-Fi is fairly solid and I didn't come across any devices that wouldn't connect to it, regardless of whether it was in Mesh+SC, Smart Connect, or regular old two (that is, one 2.4GHz, and one 5GHz) APs mode.

For the router side, everything is fine too.

The WebUI is also more solid, with none of the issues of making changes causing unusable W-Fi configurations.

For the extender: in both mesh and traditional extender mode, the router that's in extender mode seems to have problems with stability. It'll unexpectedly reboot itself. When it was in traditional extender mode this happened at least 3 times that week. In mesh mode it's harder to tell but I have caught it in the act doing it twice this week.

Suggestions (all for a future major update, don't delay releasing 1.4 for these):

Can I recommend the UI allows the user to retrieve logs for routers in extender mode? This'll help us help the devs track down causes of the reboots. On that note the logs including a larger time frame and dedupping messages is probably worth doing too (my logs  on my main router are full of the message "radvd_cli: DDDDDDD current_vaild_time is 604800", often multiple times a second, which probably isn't helpful to anyone.)

Also on a personal wishlist: Some control over whether 5GHz is on in Smart Connect mode, maybe even allowing clients to have their 5GHz blacklisted by MAC ID would be useful if this is practically possible. I ask because I do have one device that has problems with 5GHz networking but superficially supports it, and when I Googled I found this is a very common problem, with a variety of different Wi-Fi adapters. It shouldn't be, and it's not D-Link's job to work around bugs in other people's Wi-Fi hardware and drivers, but Smart Connect is likely to bring a lot of these issues to the fore by forcing use of 5GHz when previously people would go "Huh, I guess 5GHz doesn't work, I'll just keep it on the 2.4 band."

Conclusion: please release this as soon as practically possible. It's a huge and very welcome update.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 09:04:23 PM by peharri »


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2022, 10:16:34 PM »

I have a 200Mbps connection. Sitting right next to my router connected to wifi 6. Getting the speeds.
6MB/s speed is not consistent and varying with in a meter radius of router


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2022, 07:23:49 AM »

Are all your clients getting similar speeds or does it depend on the client? How are you testing the speed?


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Re: A little disappointed?
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2022, 07:13:34 PM »

Just an update:

I have 1.4.4 running on the main R15, and 1.5.1 on my mesh node.

The only issue I'm still experiencing is that the mesh node keeps rebooting, typically every 1-2 days. It's enough to be annoying as usually everything downstairs is connected via it (so my wife's tablet, our phones, the Roku etc, and it interrupts connections like ssh sessions (I'm a software developer so this can be an issue.)

I've mentioned previously that I did downloads logs at one point from the main R15 immediately after a crash which I'd like to share with the devs if that helps them.

Right now it's the only major issue left that needs fixing, but it is a major issue. (The alternative will probably involve me buying yet another router to use as a traditional non-mesh repeater, which I'd rather not do, as when the mesh works, it works awesomely.)
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