The firmwares seem to work differently with different revisions. Since I'm stuck at the 1.20 at a mininum on my A2. The best firmware out of the 1.20, 1.21 beta 2, and the 1.21NA is the 1.20 for my particular unit. I still have lots of wireless errors (as I do with the other 2 firmware) but the 1.20 is the only one that doesn't forcefully kick my wireless printer, notebook, and Wii off of the network when under heavy load. Ironically, the trade off is the odd bt of packet loss on wired during large file transfers through the network. I am so sick and tired of trying to make this piece of crap router work. They better have that fix all fix I was told was coming by Wednesday or I'm just going to send this one back to D-Link and start my small claims lawsuit when I return from my holidays.