I've been trying to get this to work all day and still no cigar, I sure hope someone here can help please!
Been playing with a dns 323 for some time. I got it to work with my mac book pro uni body(snow leopard), linksys wrt 310n router with out a problem for some time. I was running fw ver 1.6 on a 1 tb seagate drive.
Today I received a 1tb timecapsule, so I took out the Linksys and installed the TC and everything on that level was working fine.
But when I connected the DNS 323 to the TC I was unable to see it.
Tried the web emulator and I believe that it's not recognizing it correctly either.
Looked all over the forum and searched the threads but wasn't able to get the info I needed.
Both vendors were very unhelpful when I called to see what was going on also.
Please can anyone share any light into this problem.
Not trying to back it up, just would like to read it/ mount.
I'm not a 100% nub but I'm still working on understanding the ip/network stuff.
Thanks for any help on this.