I've had my DNS-323 for about a year, connected with cat5 to a DI-524 router.
My Win2000, XP home and XP pro computers are all connected to the router, and accesses the 323 without any problems, so both the 323 and 524 works fine.
But my Vista Home Premium has been a real pain since I bought it, after accessing the 323 for a while
it disconnects the Network adapter and claims that there is a problem with the router. All other computers work ok using the router and 323, but Vista closes the network adapter to both 323 and to WAN.
After requesteing status/"diagnose network" in Vista when this happens it usually presents the "there is a problem with your router" dialog which also contains the "reset Network adapter" option. After reset it works ok for a while again.
This happens whenever I do a copy from/to DNS323 of some 100Mb or more of files, sometimes it handles upto 3Gbyte, sometimes it dies after 10Mbyte. It also happens after a while when playing a slideshow from it so it seems to be related to number of bytes transferred somehow.
I've looked for a solution in forums the last 10 months. Using the NAS as a backupdisk is just not possible. When using Vista for heavy transfer to/from internet without involving the 323 it works without any problem.
I use 323 firmware 1.06, PNPX-102 driver in Vista and the Network card is a NVIDIA nforce 10/100.
All available patches/updates to Vista to this date are installed.
I've tried to disable auto-tuning with "netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled",
and changed NetworkAdapter config to speed/duplex settings= fixed value instead of autonegotiate,
changed Priority & VLAN settings from priority enabled to disabled. Nothing works.
Is there anything else I could try before erasing Vista with a Linux distribution ?