I've had my DNS-323 for roughly three years, and I've never heard it make any clicking noises - I've not used Hitachi drives, but with Seagate, Western Digital and Maxtor drives, it's never clicked, and I don't think it should.
In terms of network setup, mine has always been set to autonegotiate the speed & duplex - it's safer this way - with it manually set, if you had a failure of your network switch and had to connect at 100 mbps, you would have to jump through a hoop or two to change the speed.
Regarding transfer speeds - 8MByte/sec is a little slow for 100mbps and downright pitiful for gigabit, I would guess that you should see at least double that, and under the right circumstances, triple and close to quadruple.
You need to recognize that the transfer speeds is not always dictated by the network speed, you're moving data from one disk, through a disk interface, a network interface, across the network, through a second network interface, a second disk interface and then to a second disk - the transfer speed you see will be the slowest of all of these. Things like the speed of the disk subsystems, network card drivers, disk fragmentation and file sizes all play a part.
Using 2GB files, autonegotiated speed & duplex, 9000 byte jumbo frames and an IBM server with integrated RAID controller, I've been able to transfer data at sustained speeds approaching 30MByte/sec, (and peaks exceeding 30MByte/sec) when reading from the DNS-323.