My technology deficient buddy has a PowerBook G4. I don't recall the OS version at the moment (maybe Tiger 10.4.#). Anyway, I have been jumping through loops to get his G4 (and his airport card) to have a wireless connection. It turned out that I needed to change his 802.11 mode from n/b/g to just b/g AND I had to put that dollar sign in front of the password (ugh). Although that was a much welcomed success after a lot of stress, we have unfortunately run into another problem.
When downloading with a wired connection, shows a download rate of around 12 Mbps for his computer. Unfortunately, the wireless connection is only running at around 3.5 Mbps. I tried changing the wireless channel and all that, but that just increases that speed to around 3.7. There is some larger issue going on here that I just don't understand. Does anyone have thoughts on what the issue(s) could be? I, of course, have a DIR655 with the most current firmware. Also... I couldn't get the G4 to get a wireless signal without using WEP security (as opposed to WPA). I am not sure if that is important in terms of speed, but just in case it is.