I just ran into this same issue...
I had NTP enabled and set to the DLink server (ntp1.dlink.com). Today is Nov 1 and the end DST (in Canada), so I checked the router to see if it had the correct time (I have problems before). It didn't. It had gone back 2 hours instead of 1. I unchecked DST and clicked Save, but it had no effect. I tried a different offset, no effect. I disabled NTP, copied my computer's time (which appeared correctly), but when I hit Save, it went back to the same incorrect time. Nothing I tried could get the correct time to appear. Then I thought of trying a different NTP server. I entered time.nrc.ca and the router immediately went into endless reboots. I did a reset and reconfigured it and then came here.
I read the other thread mentioned by mackworth and it was closed by Lycan who stated: "We are looking in to the situation with renewed vigor and will do everything within our ability to isolate and correct the issue asap." That was posted in May and it's now November, so what exactly does ASAP mean in D-Link terms?