I just bought a network audio player so I can listen to my music all over my house. I have the DNS-323 pointed at Volume_1\Music, under which I have all my music in the form of
Artist Name\Album\# - Song.ext
Most of these files are mp3s but I have a handful of WMAs as well.
I have five playlists located at Volume\Music along with a single mp3 file. These playlists include files from Artist Name\Album, and they all work when loaded from the file system. The DNS-323 serves the playlist names appropriately to my network audio player (as well as the software program 4u2stream) via UPNP. However, 4 of the 5 playlists are empty and the one that isn't contains only the single file located at Volume_1\Music. The software program 4u2stream returns the same results, which is why I believe the error belongs to the DNS-323. How do I make the UPNP server serve these playlists appropriately without having to locate all my music at Volume_1\Music?
I am running beta 1.08 - that is why this is in the beta forum.
e: I am serving the files from my laptop as well, via the Windows 7 library. The playlists share from Windows 7 properly.