Hi, I am currently building a wired Gb network with D-link equipment. I have two Dlink DGS-1005 (Green series) switches and I am trying to add a DAP-1522 for Wireless features. The entire network is Cat6. The problem occurs when trying to connect the DAP-1522 to one of the 1005s. I have no problem connecting the two DGS-1005 switches, but when I replace one of them with the DAP-1522 it wont connect. The LAN port lights wont go on. I have tried connecting all sorts of ways.
Modem - Dap-1522 - DGS-1005. This one makes the DAP-1522 work but not the DGS-1005.
Modem - DGS-1005 - DAP-1522. DGS-1005 works, but not DAP-1522.
Modem - DGS-1005 - DGS-1005. Both DGS1005 work.
Modem - DGS-1005 - DGS-1005 - DAP1522 - Everything works. but the setup is all wrong for my network.
Is the cable length a issue here? The distance from the device after the modem to the next is about 8 meters. The rest is only 2-4 meters.
Thanks for any help.