Agree, it cannot be done within the DNS323 ... but .... if you are comfortable with telnet/ssh (i.e. you had in some point installed fun_plug) and is familiar with linux, I can show you a step-by-step method how you can achieve that (have done exactly what you wanted on two DNS323). In whatever way you are going to do this, a reminder here to backup all your data. Any operation like what you described has great potential to destroy all your data in the RAID array.
Another point: 2TB is the largest drive capacity the current PC-era partition table will allow. This is to say that the current DNS323 firmware cannot handle any drive capacity larger than 2TB. Without changing the firmware to use GUID partition table (like OS X had always done, or Windows Vista/7 recently), drive capacity larger than 2TB cannot be supported.
Given the above, IMHO, it is not worth the trouble for an additional 500GB. For my case, I went from 650GB to 1.5TB. It is better to buy another DNS323, keep DLINK happy and give us something to excite over soon.