we've encounterd a problem regarding nat-rules and sequenznumbers being too low.
An according Log entry looks like this:
May 4 07:57:49 [2010-05-04 09:29:17] FW: TCP_FLAG: prio=0 id=03300016 rev=2 event=tcp_seqno_too_low action=drop seqno=3447886080 accstart=3447886081 accend=3447891925 rule=TCPSequenceNumbers connipproto=TCP connrecvif=lan1 connsrcip= connsrcport=49920 conndestif=dmz conndestip= conndestport=80 origsent=96 termsent=48 recvif=lan1 srcip= destip= ipproto=TCP ipdatalen=28 srcport=35490 destport=80 tcphdrlen=28 syn=1
To me it looks like only natted connections are affected and unfortunatly the problem occurs randomly from 20 to 1000 times a day.
The Problem occurs on both FW and older FW haven't been checked.
Firewall DFL 2500 with WAN1 and DMZ running in transparent mode.
Regarding the version history theis or a similar problem is fixed since 2.20.03.
Does anyone has similar problems and knows why this happen?
As switching the rule to ignore or accept is not an option help is much appreciated.