Hello everyone,
I'm far from being a specialist with routers but I have bough this router for all the functionalities it gives : USB port, dual band and most of all the QoS Engine.
I play video games online, especially World of Warcraft.
I share the connection with someone that likes to download all day (Bit torrent, direct dowload and other dowloading programs)
I mostly use my connection for my games during the evening so I have to ask him to stop all his dowloads in order to play, because after setting up the IP adresses correctly for the priority on the line, it doesn't seem to work at all.
What I have done:
-I have set a static Ip adress for my computer (, and I have put the priority "1", with protocol bein "any" and remote IP range being all of them ( to
-Enable QoS Engine is marked, as well as Enable Traffic Shaping and Dynamic Fragmentation.
-I have put a Manual Uplink Speed of 512 kbps.
-I have set for him a static adress too (, and I have put the priority "8", with protocol bein "any" and remote IP range being all of them ( to
After doing all this, when I log on my games, and he is dowloading I don't see a difference at all on the latency, everything is red at around 1000 to 5000 ms of ping.
Is there anything else I can do to make this work and have the bandwith being splitted as I want for my games ?