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Author Topic: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!  (Read 14815 times)


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Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« on: February 25, 2010, 06:41:52 AM »


I can not access one very important folder on my DNS-323. It shows the message 'Access is denied'. I already created new users (normally I never use 'users', but somehow the NAS asked for them). Nearly every folder can be opened, except for 1 very important folder!

I've already remapped the drive with search utility, ran the wizard again, ...



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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 06:49:55 AM »

If all else fails, you can install fun_plug and modify the permissions on the folder.

Where's the backup for this folder?  You do have backup, right?
Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 09:31:42 AM »

I had the same issue last week, spoke to D-Link tech support to no avail

anyway, simple fix is to gounder status and do factory reset.
after this it will give you full access again
I tried deleted the user/accounts and reinstating the default all accounts all access but it doesn't work until you factory reset


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2010, 05:16:55 PM »

I just started having this problem.   I upgraded from 1.06 to 1.08 firmware and I can access most folders but after I get down to a certain level I get the access is denied.  What is funny is that this happens on my win7 home machine and not my vista machine.  So, I could reset the permissions - but they appear to be correct.  Perhaps the problem is with win7.  Oh, my PS3 also has no problems seeing these folders.  What is also very strange is that if I try to access the folder from this machine by ftp I get the same problem.  Any ideas?

...update...now I am having the problem on my vista machine too.  I am thinking about flashing back to 1.06. 
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 05:54:23 PM by brainphood »


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2010, 07:29:41 PM »

I decided to reset to factory default settings.  That fixed the problem immediately.  I didn't have too many custom settings.  Just my DDNS.  I did save the config file but I am afraid to use it in case the problem is saved in the config and returns.  It seemed a pretty quick and easy solution.


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 05:17:21 AM »

It seems this box needs a factory default reset quote often.  I think D-Link should start looking at upward compatibility with the parameters.

If they'd change the saved parameters to an ASCII file that is parsed by the firmware when it reloads, you wouldn't have to manually load all this stuff for a reset, you could just put the same configuration back.  With their binary dump of the parameters, they apparently restore all the problems with the configuration.

I've build a lot of embedded systems, and a primary consideration is always what happens when you upgrade the firmware.  A key component is to not change the functionality of existing parameters if that will break something.  Another consideration is the mapping doesn't change so that the new firmware finds all the existing parameters in their proper places.  This is not difficult to do, but it's apparently not done with these devices.
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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 01:43:00 AM »

I've experienced a problem very similar to this  so this might fit your situation:

{ HW version A1     FW version 1.07 }

 I set up a Scheduled Download to back up some files from another PC.  (There seems to be another bug in this, at least in that a Recurring event disappears from the schedule)

 I WAS able to access the files, but whenever I tried to move/rename/delete a file or folder, I got "Access Denied". 

  I use Linux, and the NAS' I've used run on Linux. I browsed the drive in this manner, and found that files x-ferred across the network get user ID & Group 501 (the first User/account ID used when creating a non-admin account) but the files from the Scheduled Download were stored as Root with read-only attributes for anyone but (Root is the stock Administrator account on Linux boxes). I corrected the Owner, Group & Privileges to user 501 /w full access (777), and now have normal, full access to all files and folders.

  You might try this manner before formatting and losing crucial data.   if you don't want to install Linux, you can easily obtain free downloadable versions that boot & run from the CD, and don't touch your existing software setup They are referred to as Live Distributions

- Mandriva Linux has a Live version (Known as Mandriva One) @ http://www2.mandriva.com/downloads/
- RedHat Linux  has a Live version (Known as Fedora) @ http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora

Hope this helps, and you get access to your data back without incident.  Let us know how it went!  :)


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2010, 07:28:18 AM »

I got a similar issue here. Firmware 1.08 is installed on my DNS, and there is some
files that I can't access.

I just just installed Win7 on my desktop computer and I tried to synchronized my mp3
library that is stored on my dns. Some files had fail to synchronize because it says
I don't have access to them, then I tried to access those files with windows
explorer on different computers and I can't access them either.

It's weird because in a same folder, there is some mp3 I can access and some not.
So I tried to reset the users access in the web configuration of the dns and then I
had access to all of my files, I put back the users access on and I lost the access
to certain files again. I tried to reset the dns to factory defaults by it didn't

Is there any way I can let the users permissions on and have access to the files I'm supposed to again?
Maybe it's a bug with firmware 1.08, I think I'm going to try to downgrade to 1.07
Thank you!


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2010, 07:36:44 AM »

Did you try resetting to factory defaults after the firmware upgrade and manually reconfiguring?
Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2010, 10:54:15 AM »

Yeah I did but it didn't work :-\


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2010, 11:33:03 AM »

If factory reset didn't work, you might have to run fun_plug as gunrunnerjohn suggested earlier in this thread.  By doing this, you will be able to fix the permission issues with the files and folders.



DNS-323, 2-500GB Seagate Drives, FW 1.08
D-Link DGS-1005G Gigabit Switch
Asus O!Play Air Media Player
OpenSuse 11.2 PC
Macbook 5,2 - Snow Leopard


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 07:09:41 PM »


This worked for me. Hope it helps. I have had all of my music in ownership rights hell for 6 months until I found this just last weekend.


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2010, 05:18:43 AM »

I think the more direct way would be using the command prompt on the NAS.  This works for RAID and EXT3 filesystems without any issues.  However, as long as it solved your issue, that's all that counts. :)
Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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PS: RAID of any level is NOT a second copy.


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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2010, 08:30:37 PM »

I too am suddenly having this issue.  Running Win 7 64 bit and firmware 1.08 on the 323 (was also having the problem with firmware 1.07). I've done the restore default and still have the problem. I've tested the issue both wired and wireless.

without the access, i have trouble running any other utilities.

The DNS seems to be online and then go offline. I get "location is not available" or messages about not having access. I'll be in the middle of a sync or file copy and halfway through, it blows up. i don't think it is my network as my email, internet, etc. all appear ok.

thoughts would be appreciated.



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Re: Can't access some folder, Access is denied!
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2010, 04:19:05 PM »

I get this problem too: can't rename, delete or move some files on one disk of my DNS while using FW 1.08 beta.

It happen's with my older PC (Win XP SP3). I've done a reset, few restart and retrograde to FW 1.06. But nothing solved the problem. I've tried FW 1.07 and the FW 1.08, still no result.

Now I have a new quad core PC running Win 7 64 bits.Same issue. I've done all the settings at new from the beginning with the official FW 1.08, same issue.

Gee... what a NAS !

I'm not a Linux user so the only solution for me is to format the disk and reload all the good files but what a whaste of time an energy. I hope it should have an other solution.

Is there someone with this kind of idea ?