I think i followed the intructions you gave me.
But internet in not available.
Perhaps can i give you all settings.
- dfl-800 is connected to my dsl modem with ip (static)
- after restar the only connected computer, it appear i have an access to internet but i cannot get any page (perhaps due to the settings of my network card to access to the dfl-800)
- I tried to connect another computer with automatic configuration and i get unknown network with no internet access
This what i have now...
For the configuration of dfl-800, a reset has been done to get the wizard and use static configuration as you told me.
I used the good addresses :
wan1_ip = (instead of because i configured it as static in my dsl modem)
wan1net =
wan1_gw =
for the rules:
here is exactly what i done :
satname : sat
action : SAT
Service : dns-all
schedule : (none)
adress filter : interface -->source = lan / destination = core
adress filter : network -->source = lannet / destination = lan_ip
in the SAT tab : translate the : destination IP to wan_dns1
natname : nat
action : NAT
Service : dns-all
schedule : (none)
adress filter : interface -->source = lan / destination = core
adress filter : network -->source = lannet / destination = lan_ip
Here are the instructions tou gave me.
The only thing that changed is now in the network center, it seems i have an internet connection but i cannot get any page (bizzare).
For the other computer connected to port 2 of the dfl, the network is unknown.
Do not forget that on the computer where i configure the dfl-800 (with internet acces but no pages availables), the ip configuration is :
ip :
mask :
default gateway :
the second computer connected to the dfl-800 has an automatic ip configuration and ell me the network is unknown.
would you accept to help me again, i really need this.
Thank you so much,