Hi Marco
Did you find a solution to your DIR-615/VPN Anyconnect problem?
I have exactly the same problemm. Below I copy my D-Link support-request which has given nothing - since then I tried F/W 4.00 without any luck, plus approx 200 things in cooperation with my company IT/NW guy, also without any luck... :-(
I cannot establish a stable VPN connection (to my employer) when connected through my DIR-615.
When I connect, I get the connection without problems but when I start using it http connections fail, MS outlook disconnects etc. MS outlook may connect and disconnect several times before it finally gives up.
The router log says nothing during the failing period.
If I connect (same PC, same vpn-site) through my neighbors wireless router, I have no problems.
My company changed VPN solution (from "conventional" VPN to VPN anyconnect) approx at the same time as I upgrated to F/W version 4.11 (from preinstalled 4.00) because of other connection problems (different PC - not VPN).
Any ideas? :-)
Until now, I have followed the VPN-track intensively without result. Now, I'd like to follow the F/W upgrade track: Can I download the "old" F/W version 4.00 somewhere?