I would like to close this topic and report that I have solved the problem. I can now use a Mac OS X terminal session and mount a volume on my DNS-323. To the mount statement I added two options, nodev and nosuid, and substituted the device name I assigned to the DNS-323 for its IP address. The mount command is:
mount_smbfs -o nodev,nosuid //username:userpw@devicename/Volume_1/directory ~/mnt
Since Time Machine will not work without hacks, I plan to use the BSD commands within OS X to schedule jobs that will copy and compress directories on the Mac and write them to the DNS-323. On a different schedule, I plan to copy the compresses files on Volume_1 to Volume_2. Yes, I still have to worry about the house burning down, so I will address that issue in the future.
Lastly, I want to thank gunrunnerjohn for posting his views on why not to use Raid 1.