My experience in Electronics, and communications tells me that this ain't gonna workman. LOL.
1. Trying to repeat a signal from miles down the road requires some serious radio and amplifier equipment that I'm sure you nor the ISP can afford for residential or even small busines.
2. This router is not designed for repeating or bridging. Only routers I have experience with that can are NG and Apple. Linksys might have some. Again, lowend routers.
3. This routers max range is approx. 5k-10k ft depending on configuration and obtructions. The signal power these routers put out is not much over a watt if that, I presume. You'd need much more then than to handle any sort of broad band over a long distance.
3. FCC put strict radio policies on radio signals on anything that transmits.
People need to understand that these are lowend, home user and small business devices for general and gaming connections. There not meant for high end back bone type of connections or long distances. You wont see these at places like OEM's or ISPs. They use something bigger to handle there traffic needs.