I am trynig to figure this out also. I cannot find where you download dlink mibs from, nor th eprocedure to create a vlan on dlink switches. I have a DES 1526 I am trying to develop against to automate provisinioning of VLANs and I can modify VLAN information on an exsisting VLAN (from a mib I got of the net somewhere so not sure if it is correct), but cannot create:
update = {
{ oid = "tvlanId.4", value = "4"},
{ oid = "tvlanMember.4", value = "00:00:00:00" },
{ oid = "tvlanUntaggedPorts.4", value = "00:00:00:00" },
{ oid = "tvlanStatus.4", value = "1"}
Help please!