So here is the issue. In my logs I get the same as everyone else, blocked ips, a fair amount but a lot. Also get the msg, MAC address xxxxxxxxxxxxx disconnected: Received Deauthourization. I have reset hard and soft. Powered down and hit reset button. Reset to factory defaults. I only have one hard wired device going into the 4500, and thats my desktop. I have had this router for almost two years with zero issues running 1.15. I have 2 iphones, PS3, Wii, Roku, and an occasional laptop (That has been off for weeks). About 4 days ago while watching netflix via PS3 the wireless went down on the router. About 5 minutes later it came back on. My iphones get disconnected and it asked me for the password for my network (same on the PS3), then when I put the password in, it says can not connect.
I have Comcast cable with a arris?? modem. I logged into that and checked its log, and it says it has been up for 20 days and there is nothing crazy in the log.
My desktop still connects to the internet when I lose wireless.
I have tried everything that Mr. Nutz has suggested to do. I have upgraded to 1.23n in hopes of fixing this. I have even asked my neighbors if any new/old wireless phones have been purchased or hooked up.
Have tried different frequency channels and 5ghz only as well. Disabled and enabled every setting I can see.
I have done nothing new nor added anything new. I get great speeds from newsgroups downloads through the LAN. So this router has been abused with massive D/Ls.
And it doesn't lose wireless under load. I woke up this morning and it was disconnected and would not reconnect unless I wait 30 minutes or do a power reboot.
SO.................... What you got?