I inherited two dns 343'sfrom work when we upgraded. I've got each loaded with four 2T drives. firmware version 1.05.
I have a couple T or random junk (movies, pdf books, pdf scientific papers, etc.) on one and I am trying to back it up to the other. both have static IPs out of the range of the dhcp server.
when I start a remote backup on the target system, backup, it *seems* to be working fine...for a couple of hours. I look and only a few tens of gigabyts of data have been transferred. I can re-run the backup, and it will move more, but it always stops running with a 'backup completed' or some such message. is there some magic to getting it to do the entire backup? Yes - I can just do an old-fashioned drag-and-drop to move the files, but that puts my pc in the loop. i'd rather get this working.
I haven't done any major network troubleshooting because the message given by the 343 makes me think it thinks it's really done.
oddly - ALL of the filenames are created, but they're all empty except for those few (hundred) that actually copy.
thanks for any help.