Thanks guys, I appreciate your help.
Lycan - I changed to "Always On". No change in problem.
Smlunatic - I checked the PPPoE settings on the router and Modem, they look good. I even tried changing a few things but it did not help. I talked to ISP but they were not much help. They of course want to point the finger at the router.
I also tried resetting factory defaults and setting up from scratch but no help. After I tested various changes I always reloaded my saved configuration.
The strange thing is, the router worked for a few days before the problem occurred.
Well, the router now seems to be working fine. I'm wondering if there is some sort of intermittent problem. As I mentioned, I reloaded my original configuration. I tested and the problem was still occurring, it would not connect. I left it hooked up and had some dinner. During that time the problem went away. I guess at this point all I can do is monitor and see if the problem comes back.
Thanks again for help.