I have the same impression. After running stable, as i did for over a year, you just donīt want to jibble around whit different issues that d-link already should have fixed. Maybe they wantet a little to much this time? I would love to go 1.06 but i kinda like stability on backup devices, so i rest in peace whit 1.05. For now.
The thing is that we can back up and rebuild (My disklights turned pinkish and i got that tip from someone here, suggesting that my unit was faulty!) and change serverconf and directories and many other things, but in the end the only thing you end up whit is a lot of time wasted.
Just look at this forum, and all the crazy issues that turned up all of a sudden. I think D-LINK really should admit that this was a faulty issue, and that a new FW is in the pipe.