um, my experience is different than what you all stated above. I have no problems when using FF 4.0 works fine. I do, however, have a problem with 3.6.16. Keeps saying I need to install the Java plugin, I install the plugin, relaunch FF 3.6.16, clean the cache, etc. and try again...same problem: need to install the plugin. I checked the JVM on the machine and it indeed tells me the current JVM is installed...and my other Java based apps work fine...So, IDK what is messed up...
It is strange b/c on other machines, BOTH FF 3.6.16 and 4.0 work. Go figure...
If I run into that problem, and just revert to using IE, which is the *only* reason I use IE...well except to talk to sharepoint (but that is another M$ captive application...)