I have searched the forum and didn't find this one....
My DBS-323 has 2 WD 500B drives in Raid 1 and firmware 1.9
I have two users and two groups.
Computers are a Vista Laptop and a Mepis (Debian) Desktop.
Recently my file folder "Volume_1" which has all my data dissappeared from the network listings on both computers. The BT folder and web_page folder are still there.
I know that the information is still there, because my music files are still being served by the Itunes server, but I can't bring the man file list up on either computer.
I have done a restart on the DNS-323 and rebooted both computers and it is still missing on both computers.
I have checked the config on the 323 and both groups and users are correct.
What else should I check before doing a hard reset? and what will I have to reprogram after a hard reset?
Thanks or any help...
Ken - NM9P