I have 2 questions. I am looking to by a wireless cameara and not sure if the dlink is the correct product. I dont use an iphone but do use a blackberry I noticed there is software for the IPHONE but nothing for the blackberry Any Ideas? Also is there a way of recording to a hard drive (Server ) with the Dlink Cams. Thanks...
I answered your question about a phone app for the blackberry when I responded to another poster in this thread....
Yes. You can open a FTP connection from the camera to your server and specify the frame rate upload to the ftp server. I've done it within a LAN and WAN. I believe the format is JPEG. You can also configure the camera to stream the video for use with linux applications such as ZoneMinder. I've done both approaches, and they work well. If you go outside the LAN, and you want a secure link, one way of accomplishing that is to construct a VPN connection and use FTP to tunnel through it.
If you don't want to use ZoneMinder, you can roll your own web app to capture the video data and display it within the context of a HTML page. If you look around on the web you will find applets/code snippets in java or php that you can literally cut and paste into your web page that will do the stream capture, buffer, draw a display window, and transfer/refresh the image to the display window. I have done both approaches on Ubuntu servers, Debian desktops, and Slackware desktops.
I suggest you look at the detailed camera manual that is online (NOT the quickstart manual-it is useless) for these configuration options.
Good luck