Happy Holidays! I have a DAP-2553 with the latest firmware (1.21). I have been trying to get my firesale HP Touchpad to work with this AP 100%. The error is that the Touchpad says there is no connection to the Internet, even though I can use the Touchpad's web browser to access any Internet site. I just cannot download any apps, use the Amazon Kindle app, or any other app requiring Internet access.
I have SSID hidden, WPA2 security using AES, and MAC ACL filtering setup on the DAP-2553. If I have the AP wide open, the Touchpad does the same thing so I do not believe it is the security setting causing the conflicts.
Has anyone was able to get his/her HP Touchpad to work with any DLink wireless AP or router? HP is telling me that they have had lots of calls of problems with DLink wireless, but they would not offer any suggestions besides trying another brand of AP. A search on the Internet reveals that DLink is not the only product with "issues" supporting the Touchpad.
Note that the Touchpad works fine on public WiFi access. Everything works.