I'm looking for advice on security for the DNS-323. It installed beautifully; I'm running two 1TB WD green WD10EADS drives with a wireless D-Link router (WEP) / cable modem. I'm primarily using it for media storage, but I like the idea of keeping all my files on the drives (one is a backup to the other) so I can nuke my laptop or switch to a new computer without disturbing my file structures. But I'm wary of having some important business/personal files on an "always on/always connected" drive.
I have no plans to use it for FTP access, but the iTunes server is on. Does having FTP off help with this security concern? Is setting up groups / accounts better? Or is it best just to not store sensitive files on the DNS-323 at all? What about a hardware firewall (e.g. ZoneAlarm)? Or...am I just being paranoid?
There is some useful information on security in this forum but unfortunately most of the answers raised my concerns even more, leading to this post.
I'm a relative noob to networking, but I got far enough to set up a home network with two machines, a wireless printer, wireless router and got away from all the factory settings for the router and DNS. Please feel free to spare no detail.
Any advice or recommendations are most welcome. Many thanks!