1) Yes that is correct. Yesterday or the day before I went into each camera and set the time server to ntp1.dlink.com, timezone to central and daylight savings time to USA and now today everything has stayed the same except the daylight savings time. See below. Each camera has done this.
(The correct time when this screenshot was taken was 14:19:04
I have this same settings in my DNS-323 and everything works fine
I have tried syncing the time on the camera with the local computer but it does the same thing.
I have not tried manually setting the date and time and I can try that, I would just like it to be the exact same time as the DNS-323 as that's where it is being recorded too.
2)At the moment I only have 11 of the cameras up and running. But they are all running and recording at the same time to the NAS. In my NAS I have 2 1.5TB drives in standard format. So have of the cameras record to Volume1(Drive1) and the other half record to Volume2(Drive2). On each Volume I have one folder 'Cameras' With in that folder I have a folder for each camera 'Folder1' 'Folder2' etc...I just have the recording setup through the web interface (See below) I do not really use D-ViewCam2.03 because from what I understand you have to have it running at all times in order to record and it only records to the local computer, it will not record to the NAS. The reason I do not use D-View is because we have a small office with a limited amount of space and a laptop as our only computer so when it is not being used it is off and packed away.Please let me know if I am wrong in my understanding and I will try recording through the software.
Some of the cameras have the same recording schedule shown above and some always record. Regardless of the schedule they have stopped recording for periods of time.
Another issue. I would like to keep about a months worth of footage stored for each camera before removing the older files. From what I understand Shared Folder Mode will allow me to do this. I have set it up before by accident (Recording File Number) and it would only keep 24 files and remove the oldest one when the new one is recorded. Well there is more than 24 hours in a month so I tried to change that number to say 300 so it records 300 hours of footage and than removes the older files. Well after I change the number and hit apply I get a weird error message 'The recording file number must be smaller than 10 greater than 48"
what kind of message is that? Why not just say 'The recording file number must be smaller than 58'? isn't that the same thing? Anyway is there anyway to increase this number or am I stuck manually deleting the older files?
Thanks ECF. Do you know if there are any firmware updates coming for the camera?
Thanks again